Writing Coaching

I coach writers at all stages of their journey, providing writing support and accountability in a safe, totally judgment-free environment. Together, we create and meet achievable writing goals, talk through knotty arguments, discuss the pressures of academia, and help clients make substantial progress on their projects. If you’re facing avoidance, isolation, procrastination, or time-management challenges in your writing life, coaching could be a game changer. 

As an ADHD writer myself, I have particular experience working with neurodivergent clients, and have intimate knowledge of the particular challenges they face, as well as the tools that can be most effective for staying on task. I’ve also completed ICF-accredited coaching training, including extensive education about the ethics and limits of good coaching.

Pricing:  $75/session (50 mins), or $180 for a 3-session package. I offer discounts for graduate students and low-income clients.

Kind Words from a Client

Our bi-monthly [coaching] sessions help me feel accountable and engaged with my project… I’ve most benefited from the opportunity to plan out my writing goals and talking through parts of my argument that feel stuck or under-developed. Working with Kate has truly revolutionized my dissertation writing process!
— Darby, English PhD Candidate

Interested in Coaching?

Have a writing project that needs some extra support and accountability?
Reach out to arrange a free consultation.