Welcome to the Writing Nook

A seasonal letter reflecting on the writing life

A window seat overlooking the ocean, a lamplit desk in a historic library, a comfy armchair in your favorite coffee shop, or just your own home office with no distractions: we all have visions of our dream writing space. The Writing Nook aims to capture some of that calm, cozy atmosphere and offer an antidote to the frenzied or doom-filled way we often talk about writing, especially in academia.

Writing is hard, and many of us encounter very real, systemic obstacles in our writing lives (again, especially in academia). This letter acknowledges that, but seeks to lower the blood pressure rather than raise it. Its goal is to help you fall back in love with writing (or at least in like) and get more writing done in the process. It offers advice and reflections on style, argument, revision, organization, routines, and more, all with an eye to the seasonal rhythms inherent in the writing process.

The Writing Nook covers all aspects of the writing life, with a special focus on scholarly writing. Seeking to embrace sustainable, gentle growth and quality over quantity, it follows a seasonal schedule: 4 letters a year, with the occasional extra announcement (s/o to Chloe Benjamin and her wonderful seasonal newsletter).

A laptop and notebook on cozy window seat overlooking a rugged coastline.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash