Editing FAQs

What’s the process of working together?

The first step is to get in touch via my contact form, or to send me an email at kate@kateturnereditor.com. From there we can arrange a free consultation to chat more about the process. After that, I will normally create a sample edit, quote, and proposed timeline for our work together. Once you’ve looked these over, you can decide whether you want to move forward with the project.

Once we’ve agreed to proceed I require a small down payment to reserve my time. I also ask that you give me advance notice if there are any delays on your end (e.g. if you are unable to get the manuscript to me on the agreed date), because these can have knock-on effects for my other clients’ projects. 

How long will my editing project take?

Timelines can vary considerably depending on the project and the level of editing required. Depending on my other commitments, I am often able to return a chapter or journal article in 2-3 weeks, while a book-length project will likely take several months.

As I tend to get booked up a few months in advance, I suggest you reach out as early as possible. However, I do sometimes have last-minute availability, so don’t hesitate to get in touch if you’re working to a compressed schedule. Very last-minute projects may be charged a rush fee.

How much will my editing project cost?

Fees vary by project and I will usually need to see a sample before I can offer an accurate estimate (just like a mechanic can’t give you a price before they’ve looked under the hood). 

Most developmental editing projects are charged by the hour, while most line editing projects are charged by the word.

You may be able to use institutional funding to cover editing services, and I’m happy to work with your department or university to facilitate this. I can also work on retainer if preferred (e.g. if you have a research or professional development budget that you need to spend soon). 

It’s true that editing is often a significant investment. This is reflective of the skill and care it entails, and a good round of editing often represents excellent value in terms of the impact it can have on a project. That said, I work hard to make my services accessible and I can tailor my services to accommodate a range of budgets. I also provide discounts for graduate students and low-income clients. Finally, I offer a referral discount program: anyone who successfully refers my services to someone else is eligible for either 5% off editing services (which can really add up on a book-length project) or 1 free writing coaching session with me.