Clear writing for complex thinkers

Sound familiar?

You're confident in your research, but you wonder if your writing is selling your work short.

It often feels impossible to capture your big ideas and all the important details into readable prose.

You finally finished a draft, but reading it over you wish your sentences could be tighter, your structure more elegant, your arguments more compelling.

You’re well aware of the importance of high-impact publications, but your to-do list is a mile long and you don’t have the accountability or support you need to finally get the thing written.

Hi, I’m Kate.

I work with academics and other knowledge workers to ensure that their writing is every bit as strong as their ideas and research. As an editor, my mission is to enhance the precision, clarity, and overall impact of your writing.

If you’re struggling to get from the idea to the page, from the messy fragments to a persuasive narrative, or from the dissertation to the book,

I can help you find your way through.

Trying to tie it all together?

Get in touch